Sunday, 14 February 2010

Aporrea discusses Iran's plans to destroy Israel

Freddy Yepez, of the government supported Aporrea newspaper, reported that according to Ali Jamenel, the leader of Iran said that the Middle east "will one day assist the destruction of Israel". The reason they say is because zionism represents a huge danger to the Muslim world. Yepez mentions "with all respect to Islam and Iran" that both religions represent a danger to world because within them no capitalist regime exists. This Yepez believes is the solution to the problem. He says the first solution is to create a system not based on religion but rather on Marxism. He says that the world functions because of the struggle within the classes, it should not be based off religion at all. He then goes on to speak about the concept Marx had about the Jews, saying that if the Jews spread their wealth they get from the "Jewish God" there would not be as many issues. Zionism,according to Yepez, has reached its maximum imperialistic and capitalistic point. Everything that exists within Israel is "atrocious" and they rely on the unconditional support provided to them by America. Zionism is the "general of capitalistic imperialism" within the Middle East. Yepez makes the realization that Israel cannot be destroyed due to its close ties with America, but suggests another Marxist solution and that is to destroy the borders of Israel. If the borders of Israel are destroyed, capitalism will be eliminated and socialism will reign throughout the world.
This article is not only anti-semitic rather revolutionary. Yepez is a marxist who believes that socialism will solve the issues facing the world today. This pro-government newspaper is trying to reach out to its readers in order to bring about international reform, yet they do not realize how unrealistic their plan is. Yepez criticizes Israel and the Jews throughout the article, in effect blaming them for the capitalistic system that exists within the world today.
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