Sunday, 7 February 2010

Sammy Eppel: Who is he? What does his work mean for the Venezuelan Jewish Community?

Sammy Eppel has been a reporter since 1994. His very opinionated articles have appeared en El Universal,NoticieroDigital, Venezuela Analitica and the Miami Herald. He is also a member of the World Press Review. Sammy Eppel is one of the biggest representatives and allies of the Jewish Community in the Press World. His articles support Judaism and Israel, trying to ward off the many anti-semitic attacks that exist today in Venezuela. He is a an active member of the Confederation of Israeli Associations of Venezuela.
Sammy Eppel is the one beam of light that exists in Venezuela. His articles are some of the only within Venezuela that look upon the Jews favorably. He also fights off those who criticize the Jewish Community making sure he provides the accurate and truthful information. His work provides a voice and hope for the members of the community that the situation will get better.
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