Sunday, 24 January 2010

Chavez Shuts down Opposition Cable TV Station

The Cable TV Channel,Radio Caracas Television, was taken off the air Sunday after refusing to comply with the new government regulations that require it to televise all of Chavez's speeches. Venezuela cable and satellite television providers pulled the plug after Radio Caracas did not broadcast a speech made by Chavez at a support rally. The Director of Venezuela's state-run telecommunications agency said, " They cannot have a single channel that violates Venezuelan law as part of their programming". RCTV said that the government was "inappropriately pressuring them to make decisions beyond their responsibilities." Chavez accused the station of plotting against him in staging a coup in 2002, and refused to renew their license to broadcast on regular airwaves. He also restricted RCTV and twenty four other local cable channels, forcing them to carry government programing when officials request it. The new regulation is going to effect during a very unpopular and tumultuous time for the President. There have been protests in Caracas to try to get RCTV back to air. Meanwhile, the Bolivarian News Agency, said the suspension involved four channels that can return to air if they comply with the new regulations.
Chavez has restricted free speech in the past, however, he has taken his power to a new level with these stringent media rules. By restricting the media he is able to strengthen his own voice and make his supporters perspective even more narrow then it was before.His own voice means his opinions, including the anti- Israel rants and anti-semitic comments. By forcing the media to comply with his rules he is spreading his dangerous ideas and only worsening the situation for the Jews.
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