Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Ultimas Noticias: Israel warns that a Nuclear Iran will start an Arms Race

January 6,2010Ultimas Noticias

Daniel Ayalon, the Israeli Vice Minister of Exterior Relations, warned Tuesday in Jerusalem that a nuclear Iran would initiate a dangerous continous arms race in the Western world. Ayalon said, " A nuclear Iran would ruin world order. We would see an arms race like we have never witnessed before." He told the world community to create an armed front against a nuclear Iran. Iran is specifically dangerous due to it's radical fundamentalism, extremist politics and its support of Islamic militants. Tehran hopes to create a partnership between the different members of the security council (ONU) and the International Community. Ayalon mentioned that just like President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton "all options are on the table", hinting to a military attack in the case where International sanctions fail. There have been speculations that Israel has been planning an attack without the support of the United States. Israeli officials said that they prefer "strong" international sanctions, yet they "warned firmly" that military action is not out of the question.
While this article is meant to be neutral to both parties it leans more towards the Iranian side. The article is all quotes from Ayalon in order to show that this is not necessarily their point of view on the situation. It continuously mentions how Israel is secretly planning an attack against Iran, in order to spread that speculation and criticize Israel's aggressive tactics. It does not mention how if there was a nuclear weapon the country it does most threaten is Israel and that is why Israel must be prepared for an arms race if one does occur. This article only further supports the dangerous partnership that Venezuela is creating with Iran and the risk it poses to the World community.


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