Wednesday, 20 January 2010

" In Venezuela, anti-semitism is endorsed by the government"

HAARETZ September 10,2009

The president of the Jewish community in Venezuela accused President Hugo Chavez on September 7 of "promoting anti-semitism and giving the phenomenon legitimacy." Speaking at the World Jewish Conference in Jerusalem Abrahmam Levy Ben Shimol said,"You probably hear of many anti-semitic incidents, but where we live, the anti-semitism is sanctioned;it comes from the president, through the government, and into the media. Since the government is very involved into the day-to-day lives of its constituents, its influence is much more effective."Ben Shimol went on to add that in recent weeks, swastikas have covered the walls of the synagogue and a Palestinian flag was waved at a parliament session."We Jews are going through a difficult time. We hope it will be over soon and the future will shine upon us", Ben Shimol announced at the end of his speech.
The fact that Ben Shimol referred to the situation as serious in a World forum is an important and big step in the fight against anti-semitism. By publicly announcing the government was "sanctioning" these attacks, Ben-Shimol called attention to the situation internationally and hopefully this will inspire and impel people to act against the corrupt Venezuelan government.
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