Thursday, 14 January 2010

Editorial Writer for El Universal criticizes the attacks on the Jews

Ricardo Alfonzo N. recounts watching his country deteriorate under Chavez's rule. He says that for a few years he has been watching "painfully" Hugo Chavez trying to expose the worst instincts of the Venezuelan people. His hateful speeches only serve to rise the masses and create chaos. Alfonzo cites several big mistakes Chavez has made. The first is working for his own benefit. The "king" does not respect any of the Constitutional laws and has destroyed the country economically due to his overproduction of money. He also does not respect the right to life, after under his rule 120,000 people have been murdered. "This same monarch that tries to internationally accuse the State of Israel for a genocide, is sending people to kill our own sons", Alfonzo declared angrily. He has taken actions against the catholic church. He constantly criticizes the Catholic Church and their actions. A group of his followers violated a catholic temple in Los Teques. Lastly his constant attacks against the Jewish community. January 31, 2009 Chavez publicly made a statement that "Christ was assassinated by the Jews". Which as Alfonzo says both the Christians and historians completely deny. He expelled the Israeli ambassador that "not even the Arab countries that support Islam did" and he also declared "demeaning statements against the Jews." A very "well trained group, with perfect acknowledgement of commanded action, like any trained unit would do" violated the synagogue of Mariperez. Later on the Minister of Communications and Hugo Chavez himself said it was students. Again this reiterates this corrupt government that "accuses without investigation and punishes without justice and that always covers up the crimes that government commits or incites." The Jewish community is always available to help adds Alfonzo. During the mudslide tragedy in Vargas while Jewish doctors and Rabbis rushed to the scene, Chavez was missing and the government institutions were " enjoying changing the constitution." Alfonzo stresses that he will not let the Jews be run out. They are the same as "the catholics, the Muslims, the orthodox. We are all Venezuelans and we all want to live with love, respect and peace." People should express to the the President that the "Honest country of Venezuela wears their star of David on their chest and no one will take us on a new holocaust and no one will accompany him on his antisemetic campaign.
This call to action and public critcism by a journalist is unique and commendable. Alfonzo clearly points out the attacks on the government were unjust and intentional. The synagogue attack was all too well planned to be a random hate act. Alfonzo, a catholic, deeply supports the Jewish community and as he claims he is not the only one. While this article does not minimize the hundreds of other antisemetic articles, it definately does put them into question and force the reader to rethink their initial opinions.

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